Theater gymnasium
The Simon Studio, announces its new Professional Lab for Writers. This is a process-oriented "gymnasium" and production company. Selected writers participate with professional actors, directors, conceptual artists and producers under the studio Director, Roger Hendricks Simon. At the Simon Studio, professional actors and directors actively participatewith resident writers to develop new works in progress.
In this working community, works are explored and developed through staged readings, rehearsals, in-depth critiques and then considered for our professional production unit.Long-distance consultation services are also available. Selected early career and established writers participate in the SIMON STUDIO Professional Lab – interacting with actors, directors and producers as they write and rewrite new plays, musicals and screenplays. Both in house residencies and personal long distance consultation services are available mentored by Roger Hendricks Simon and industry guests. Cold and prepared staged readings often develop into fuller public and industry presentations and productions. In addition writers can participate as actors and directors in the Lab. THE SIMON STUDIO DIRECTORS TRAINING PROGRAM featured in BACKSTAGE (11/3/00) as one of NYC’s leading centers for Director training. Selected early career and established directors participate in the SIMON STUDIO Professional Lab – interacting with actors and writers as they develop, direct and assistant direct both classical and new works of plays, musicals, film, TV and Radio projects. From cold and prepared readings to staged scenes and excerpts to full presentation and production, directors are mentored by Roger Hendricks Simon and guest industry participants. In addition directors can also participate in the acting and writing programs of the Lab. Recent and former director participants are currently associated with productions for NYC and Glimmerglass Opera Companies, Chicago City Limits, NY International Fringe Theatre Festival, LaMama, National Public Radio and independent film projects (including those from Columbia U. and N.Y. Institute of Technology).